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Plastic bag ban back on the agenda for 2017

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Rep. Marjorie Shepardson and Rep. Christy Bartlett have both requested 2017 bills related to disposable plastic shopping bags.

The text of those bills is not yet public.

Bartlett’s bill is “relative to the use of small capacity, light weight plastic bags by retailers.” Shepardson is seeking a bill “allowing towns to regulate disposable plastic shopping bags.” 

Last year the Senate killed a bill that would have let towns ban plastic bags. 

Supporters of a plastic bag ban argue that bags are a waste of fossil fuels, difficult to recycle, and can harm marine wildlife.

Opponents argue that most plastic bags are reused for garbage or picking up dog waste.

Given that Republicans will control the legislature in 2017, the state is unlikely to pass a plastic bag ban. The only chance of a bill passing is if legislators are convinced that municipalities should have the right of local control over the issue.

Would you support a plastic bag ban in your town? Let us know in the comments.


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