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Background checks for commercial firearms sales?

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Rep. Katherine Rogers is sponsoring a bill, HB 201, that would require background checks for commercial firearm sales.

A 'commercial sale' would be defined as a sale, transfer, or exchange of a firearm that takes place at - or adjacent to - a gun show.

The bill includes an exception for private sales and transfers of firearms, provided that neither the buyer nor the seller is prohibited by law from owning a firearm.

Anyone who violates the law could be charged with a misdemeanor.

Supporters argue that the bill would enhance public safety by helping to keep firearms out of the hands of felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill.

Opponents, however, express concern about privacy issues - particularly the risk of a registry of everyone who has purchased a firearm. Others contend that the language of the bill regarding 'transfer of firearms' is too broad, and intended to end private sales and transfers, even between family members.

Should NH require background checks for commercial firearm sales? Leave a comment to join the discussion. 

UPDATE: Read our Citizen Voices℠ report and find out where New Hampshire stands on requiring background checks for commercial firearm sales.


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I am a NH resident and I abhor guns but I understand people hunt and want protection, from what I haven t figured out
I live in a tiny rural area and we hear guns at night when its sark
These are not people who are hunting or protecting their property, these are people who are intoxicated anrandomely shooting
I find this to be incredibly dangerous
I have animals on my property and they become terrified when the shooting stars and local police don't do anything about it

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